
  1. Easy Ways To Fill Your Gabion Baskets

    Gabion baskets are steel wire mesh baskets usually filled with stones, that are commonly used in structural engineering for protecting shorelines, river banks and slopes from erosion. They can also be used for a variety of other landscaping features, from unique outdoor seating to natural garden borders. Most gabion baskets, also known as gabion ...
  2. 5 Ways To Use Decorative Pebbles

    Using pebbles as a way of landscaping is a really easy way of stamping some originality and personality into your al fresco décor without having to use a tremendous amount of artistic ability. It’s a given that some of us have that special flare for decorating, yet for the vast majority we simply don’t possess the vision to ...
  3. Types Of Sand Available Locally

    If you live near a beach you might think you have easy access to as much sand as you can get your mitts on but actually, did you know you’d be breaking the law to remove sand and stones from beaches? However, it’s lovely to remain true to local roots, so, when in need of sand for garden projects and builds of your own, it is always ...
  4. Self binding gravel explained

    Gone are the 80s and their pebble dashed buildings with stony, uncomfortable gravel paths, for it may have looked the part (on the path, I think we can universally agree the pebble dashed houses were forever a mistake) but it didn’t half get everywhere! Inside shoes and the cut knees of children falling, not to mention the treading in as it...
  5. What Exactly Is Railway Ballast?

    A railway ballast is used as a bed for railway tracks. They provide not only stability to the tracks, but also will offer a great drainage system when in place and support for the loads carried by trains running over them. They are very cleverly engineered into place so that they possess another beauty and offer low maintenance by being tricky ...
  6. Why Silica Sand Is Safe For Horses

    If you’re a horsey person, then you’ll know that a horse is more than just a pet. A horse is a member of the family, an extension of it in fact, and as you love your family more than anything else in the world, by the same token, that love is offered to your horse too.  Once one gives their heart to their horse it is theirs ...
  7. Types Of Stone Available For Gabion Walls

    You will find more and more, especially when visiting open gardens and nature reserves that the most a la mode way of producing a fast and effective stone wall for both home gardens and places of interest, is to choose a Gabion Stone basket wall. Wire baskets filled with Gabion Stones not only look attractive, but they serve such an important ...
  8. Deep Dive Into Cobbles

      People often consider pebbles and cobbles to be one and the same but, actually, the differences are do mark one from the other. The way to detect which is which, is by measurement. A pebble will be sized between 0.16 and 2.52 inches according to Britannica, and a cobble will extend from that point to 10.08 inches. Cobbles are round and ...
  9. How to use MOT type 3

    MOT type 3 is a sub-base material that consists of pure crushed granite, clean crushed concrete, limestone or basalt. This sub-base material might be 75mm or 40mm down depending on the quarried location. MOT type 3 sub base has been screened to create a reduced fines aggregate, making it one of the most widely used sub-bases when a product with ...
  10. What are gabion stones?

    Gabion stones are one of the most commonly used materials to fill gabion baskets. Gabion stone is a natural way of filling gabion baskets to create an aesthetically pleasing and structurally sound gabion wall or structure...

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