Mot Type 1: Your Questions Answered

MOT Type 1 or Type 1 MOT is a popular type of sub-base used for highways, driveways, car parks and footpaths. This sub-base consists of limestone, gritstone or basalt and granite crushed to 40mm down to dust to create small particles easy to compact.

What does MOT stand for?

Regarding sub-bases, MOT stands for Ministry of Transport. This type of sub-base is also known as DOT Type 1 sub-base, meaning Department of Transport. This means that this specific sub-base complies with the Department of Transport Specification for Highway Works, clause 803 (SHW 803).

Is MOT Type 1 permeable?

Little water will go through this sub-base material. So, technically it is not a permeable sub-base. To ensure the soil has drainage capacity, we recommend installing a soakaway to funnel the water below the soil.

Alternatively, MOT Type 3 sub-base can be used instead. Type 3 MOT sub-base has reduced fines to allow water to drain. So, if you are asking “Is MOT Type 1 good for drainage?” The answer is no, go for Type 3 MOT instead.

Related: How to Choose the Right Sub-Base.

Is MOT Type 1 SuDS compliant?

SuDS refers to Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems. Whilst MOT Type 1 is not compliant, MOT Type 3 can be used for SuDS when creating permeable surfaces. Our Type 3 MOT complies with the Department of Transport Specification for Highway Works, clause 805 (SHW 805).

Is MOT Type 1 the same as scalpings?

No. Essentially, scalpings are quarry waste. These are stones contaminated with clay that are removed during a screening process. MOT Type 1 is a sub-base material used in road construction, often crushed concrete or granite.

Is MOT Type 1 the same as ballast?

No. Ballast refers to the gravel or stone used to form the bed of a railway track or a road. Ballast can also be used for other applications in domestic or commercial settings. We stock recycled rail track ballast, rail track ballast and 20mm ballast.

Where to buy MOT Type 1?

MOT Type 1 can be purchased online at Mainland Aggregates. We stock a variety of quarried sub-base aggregates, such as 4-20mm clean stone suds and puddle clay, and recycled sub-base aggregates, including crushed concrete. Other sub-bases are available. Speak to our experts for more information. Our sub-bases can be purchased in bulk bags or by the tonne, so if you are searching for “mot type 1 price per tonne near me” or “mot type 1 loose near me”, search no further.

Can you lay MOT Type 1 in the rain?

Type 1 sub-base will not wash away with rain. In fact, rain will help this sub-base to settle more, making a more solid base. However, it is not recommended to lay sub-bases during torrential rains.

Will MOT Type 1 compact over time?

MOT Type 1 can compact over time, however, for the best possible results, sub-base should be compacted with a manual tamper or a plate compactor.

Have any more questions? Contact us for further advice. Our professional experts will be able to provide more information about our sub-bases and recommend the right sub-base for your project.